October 16, 2007

Ribbon Storage Box

I created this ribbon storage box because I was getting more ribbon then I could store on those trouser hangers. So I put together these boxes, I am actually thinking of doing this for a class. It would be a great way to up sell the Crop-A-Dile! It was super easy and only took me about 35 min total! Using a regular photo storage box, I started by punching holes all along the sides with the largest setting on the CAD.

Then I placed the ribbon through the holes until they were all filled. I sometimes had to place the ribbon spools on top of other or underneath the smaller spools.

Here you can see a few pics of the finished product. I plan on labeling the outside with the color combo for each do. I can stack and store these on the shelves above my craft space and have access to them at a moments notice!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I am so doing this. It turned out nicely. Another plus for the Crop-o-Dile. By the way should I be offended or flattered to be referred to as a "crack" dealer? Thanks Merced.