April 13, 2008

Miss Me?

Ok, So I know that I have not posted in a while, I am sorry. I have been getting class projects ready for the upcoming months, and I must say that I think you all will love them! I am creating a NEW scrapbook event. I am no longer going to offer the SCRAPin' Up! classes, I feel that scrapbooking is a real personal thing and my taste may not be your taste- BUT I have come up with something that I think everyone will like. So be on the look out for further details on my website www.stampinstuff4u.com, coming in the next few days! I am not going to make you wait though...I am not that cruel. *grin*

I will offer "Crop Till You Drop" each quarter. It will be an ALL DAY event from 9am-5pm. It is basically a one day retreat to scrapbook or stamp or just craft. You will get your own space, have access to my stamps, inks, and punches. You can bring your own projects or have scrapbook & card kits available for purchase. I will provide lunch, raffle/door prizes, goodie bags, and challenges for those who would like to participate. The cost is not yet determined, however the first date will be in June. There will be a limited number of seat (20 to be exact) so your will need to register early. I hope to post pics of my upcoming class projects within the next few days, thank you for being patient.

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