May 4, 2008

Drum Roll Please.....

This is the FORMAL announcement of my newly finished BLOG STORE, please check it out. I know it is somewhat long and takes a little time to navigate BUT hopefully you will find items that you will like on it. I did it all myself, so I wont be surprised if there are mistakes or glitches- which I am hoping there are not BUT you never are sure. :) I know that the URL is different than the name for the store but I had not thought that through before I got them both...they were bought and assigned at different times in the process. :) These are items that I sell at the craft fairs that I do throughout the year and I thought I might try and sell them via the Internet to see if I can make a go at it that way too. :) I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave your feedback!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Wow, very impressive. You go girl!